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character orientation中文是什么意思

用"character orientation"造句"character orientation"怎么读"character orientation" in a sentence


  • 性格倾向


  • The output precision defines how closely the output must match the requested font s height , width , character orientation , escapement , and pitch
  • Precision defines how closely the output must match the requested font s height , width , character orientation , escapement , pitch , and font type
  • The output precision defines how closely the output must match the requested font height , width , character orientation , escapement , pitch , and font type
  • Values . the output precision defines how closely the output must match the requested font s height , width , character orientation , escapement , pitch , and font type
  • To smooth passage through the stadium audience , avoiding the stairs bottle , a banana peel . other fans outstretched legs , and other obstructions will not fall operations guide : mobile mouse control characters orientation click on the menu jumps
  • Introduction : to smooth passage through the stadium audience , avoiding the stairs bottle , a banana peel . other fans outstretched legs , and other obstructions will not fall operations guide : mobile mouse control characters orientation click on the menu jumps
  • ( 4 ) commercial housing mortgage loan plays a great role in solving housing problems of medial - paid and high - paid families , and meanwhile it will also solve liquidity problems of mortgage loans by setting - up of secondary market of housing mortgage . the fourth part of the dissertation makes a detail discription of main problems concerning our system of housing system . it is a focal part and includes our governmental character orientation , the construction of our housing finance institution system , policy innovation and market innovation of our housing finance and etc .
    我国的住房金融发展离不开政府,政府可采取间接方式支持住房金融创新与发展: < wp = 6 >制定和实施系统性的住房金融法规和其他住房法规,协调各住房金融主体之间的利益关系与运行规则;为住房抵押贷款提供担保,并支持抵押贷款二级市场的建立与完善;建立政策性非银行住房金融机构,支持中低收入家庭购房,体现和贯彻政府的住房金融政策意图。
用"character orientation"造句  


Character orientation is how people relate to the world by acquiring and using things (assimilation) and by relating to self and others (socialization), and they can do so either nonproductively or productively. The Glaring Facts .
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